How to install windows in any PC ? with simple steps

 How to install Windows in any PC with proper steps 

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What you need

  1. window(Operating System) ISO/ image file 
  2. Pendrive more than 4 GB (recomanded 8 GB or 16 GB)
  3. bootable pendrive making software 

step 1: Download Windows and other software

You can download windows from officially download page of windows microsoft .

downloand page for windows 

Download bootable making software 

we will try rufus that will be easy in windows

Download page for rufus

download your version of windows according to your need

Step 2 : make your pendrive bootable

Now, its time to make your pendrive bootable that is one of the most important part of installing windows operating system because this is that step that will decide your upcoming windows in your system(computer).
  1. Insert your pendrive in which you have you have to make pendrive  bootabel
  2. Run Rufus
  3. In Device ,Select the devices which is your pendrive
  4. In boot selection , Select the downloaded iso /image file of windows operating system.
  5. Leave other as default or change the setting your to your need .(recommended to leave as default )
  6. click on "start " button 
  7. wait until it finishes.
  8. close the rufus and take-out your pendrive carefully.

Step 3: select the divice 

Select the System (Computer)  in which you have to install windows operating system .

Step 4: Press boot key

Boot key of every laptop /computer or system may different from one to another system. The given table will help you to find your boot key.
Laptop Name Boot Key
Dell Inspiron F12
Lenovo ThinkPad F12
HP Pavilion F9
Asus ROG F12
For more information you can vist this website to known known your boot key of laptop

step 5: select the booted drive as known as pendrive

After the pressing the boot key of laptop / computer we can see multiple drive in which you have to select your booted pendrive/flash drive .
Go to drive and enter.

step 6 : Select the language,time and keyboard method

Here, In this step you can select the language to install, time and date and 
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